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Upcoming Workshop: Creating and Maintaining Successful Design Systems

Design systems provide solid ground for us to stand on as we tackle the increasingly diverse and fast-moving digital landscape. This workshop will tackle all that goes into creating and maintaining successful design systems.

Workshop, 5×2h + Q&A


We’ll cover the many benefits of design systems, introduce the atomic design methodology, discuss how to establish a cross-disciplinary pattern-driven workflow, detail the creation of a rock-solid component library and reference website, and tackle how to maintain a design system so it provides lasting value to your team and organization.

Who Is This For?

This is a full workshop, delivered in five 2-hour long sessions with lots of time for Q&A. It’s for UI designers, front-end designers, developers, and anyone responsible for the success of digital products.

You’ll walk away from this workshop with a solid foundation about how to plan, execute, and maintain a successful design system at your organization.

January 22, 2023

Interface Design Patterns UX Training

ux wireframe mockups

Roll up your sleeves — it’s time to brush up your UX skills! How would you architect an effective multi-level navigation for a large government website? What about enterprise-grade tables with intricate forms, filters and search? Or perhaps a neat seat selection UI for a Formula 1 Grand Prix? Well, fasten your seat belt!

In a jam-packed 4-weeks UX training, you’ll learn how to deal with real-life UX challenges from the ground up. Get ready: you’ll sail uncharted waters, design truly complex interfaces and receive feedback from people around the world. Plus: you’ll get a UX certificate for all your hard work as well.

The UX training is designed to help you grow as a UX professional. We won’t be spending much time with the basics; instead, we’ll dive straight into complex UX challenges in complex environments — be it enterprise, governments or corporate world. That will keep us on our toes!

Every week, we’ll combine 2.5h live sessions with individual assignments. Of course, the live sessions will focus on insights from user research, case studies and best practices. But they will also highlight a specific UX technique or methodology that you can use to tackle a challenge at hand.

What topics will we cover?

In this UX training, you’ll learn:

  • Complex multi-level navigation (6–7 levels) in a large organization, prioritization techniques, card sorting, tree testing, validation, sideways navigation, mega-dropdowns.
  • Complex filtering in public archives, exploring layout, auto-apply vs. manual apply, filtering overlays, filtering and sorting intervals, tagging and smart previews, tap/type-ahead pattern, filter presets, scoped filtering.
  • Complex multi-page forms in a corporate environment (e.g. CPQ systems), focusing on form layout, error recovery, inline validation, routing, conditional reveal, disabled states, autocomplete UX, dependencies.
  • Stock exchange timelines with charts, graphs and controls to understand trends, real time updates, data views and quick actions.
  • Enterprise-grade tables for an insurance application, with inline editing, filtering, sorting, search, imports, exports, integrations and modals.
  • Healthcare systems to manage appointments, employees, tasks, with event storming, accessibility issues, statuses, dashboards, views, filters and search.
January 27, 2023