Assistant Extension/Research Professor

Assistant Extension/Research Professor

Dr. Esmaeil Amiri

Esmaeil Amiri is an Assistant Professor, leading the Center for Pollinator Health at the Delta Research and Extension Center, MSU. He has research and extension responsibilities in pollinator health. 

Esmaeil earned his doctorate from Aarhus University, Denmark, and shortly after that, he became a part of the honey bee research collaboration team in North Carolina. He extended his investigations into viral infections and immune responses in honey bee queens there. Using cutting-edge molecular tools and multi-omics approaches, Esmaeil has further broadened his research scope to include studying queen plasticity, maternal and trans-generational effects in honey bees, all aimed at gaining a deeper insight into how stressors affect queen health and consequently, the well-being of their progeny. In his current position, his research interests manifest in various research and extension projects conducted with his group members.

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