Work Experience
Assistant Systems Administrator at Mississippi State University
May 2019 - Present
- Integrate Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) for all the engineering departments using open source software i.e. Ravada. The VDI solution will provide virtual desktop to approximately to 300 concurrent students.
- Developed webpage in Laravel Framework and Postgresql to allow students to securely submit web requests for course overrides. It has cutdown email communication between professional staff and students by 40%.
- Integrated Self-Service Password webpage which allows users to securely reset their own passwords on Active Directory. It has cut down email communication by 15%.
- Developed Script in Powershell that automates account creation in Active Directory (AD) for approximately 5000 students and their AD groups.
- Developed a script in C++ that verifies and/or generates MySQL account upon successful logging into the server.
- Prepare/Maintain servers with Access Control lists (ACLs).
- Perform troubleshooting on hardware or software components as needed.