

Protection of Wood Products

Wood products are renewable, sustainable, and have excellent carbon capture, insulation, and fire resistance properties. The primary issue in wood deterioration is the impact that water can have on a wood product. Water intrusion into wood can cause swelling, while the release of water from wood causes shrinkage. Fungi and insects need wood to contain 20 - 30% available water to be able to break the wood down for food. So, how do we protect wood while it's in use?

  • Keep the wood dry
  • Keep the wood fully saturated to eliminate oxygen (not always practical)
  • Keep the wood at extremely low temperatures (not always practical)
  • When you can't do any of those - make the wood inedible with chemicals

Our main research theme is improving the protection of wood products with the safest, most effective chemical treatments possible. We look at all aspects of wood protection, from how to apply a treatment, to how long they will be effective, how safe they are for the environment, how cost-effective they are, and how safe they are for people. 

We also work with businesses across the whole span of the wood products industry to serve as an independent evaluator of their products. We test products at the lab scale and in the field and use both ASTM and AWPA standard test methods. We have access to multiple field sites and can test products in a variety of stress situations and environments. 

Long-term Analysis of Boron Wood Protection

Guayule Resin as a Wood Protectant

Education in Wood Science Technology Collegiate Programs