

CSU Long Beach

Barno, E., Bondurant, L., Colonnese, M., Howell, H., Lee, C., Pai, G. & Sapkota, B. (2025). [Invited Session]. Exploring practice-based experiences in mathematics teacher education: Rehearsals, scenarios, and simulations. California State University - Long Beach.   

Mathematical Association of America Webinar

Bondurant, L., & Roscioli, K. (2025). Escape the crop circle conundrum. [Invited Webinar]. Mathematical Association of America Webinar.  

Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) Annual Conference 2025

Colonnese, M., Pai, G., Bondurant, L., Lee, C., Howell, H., Sapkota, B., Young, J., & Barno, E. (2025). Rehearsals, simulations, and scenarios: Exploring practice-based experiences in mathematics teacher education. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference. Reno, NV.  

Mathematics and Statistics Education Group (MSEG) Seminar

Barno, E., Bondurant, L., Colonnese, M., Howell, H., & Pai, G. (2025). [Invited Panelist]. Examining practice-based experiences in mathematics teacher education: Rehearsals, simulations, and scenarios. Mathematics and Statistics Education Group (MSEG). Utah State University.

Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group of Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA)

Bondurant, L., Troup, J., Bertolone-Smith, C., Moss, D., & Soto, H. (2024). Rehumanizing mathematics through multimodal microanalysis. Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group of Psychology of Mathematics Education. Cleveland, OH. 

Mississippi Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) Annual Conference

Bondurant, L., & Cook, C. (2024). Teacher Talk. Mississippi Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) Annual Conference. Hattiesburg, MS.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference 2024

Murawska, J., Nank, S., Bondurant, L., Nank, K., Palmquist, J., Palmquist, M.J., & Steele, M. (2024). Nurturing mathematical identities through shared journeys and empathetic storytelling. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Annual Conference.      

National Concil of Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Conference 2024

Amick, L., Apraiz, K., Bondurant, L., & Davies, K. (2024). Cross-institutional efforts to recruit and retain students in secondary mathematics teacher preparation programs. National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Conference.  

Nank, S., Bondurant, L., Palmquist, J., Murawska, J., & Steele, M. (2024). Igniting change in education through empathetic storytelling: Eliminating barriers caused by beliefs, norms, policies, and practices that perpetuate inequities. National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM) Annual Conference. 

Mathematics Association of America MathFest 2024

deAraujo, Z., Bondurant, L., & Steele, M. (2024). Instructional practices to increase student opportunities. Mathematics Association of America (MAA) MathFest. Indianapolis, Indiana. 

Bondurant, L., York, C., Hodge-Zickerman, A., & Stade, E. (2024). Secondary mathematics teacher candidates’ perceptions of a statistics TACTivity designed to support equitable teaching practices. Mathematics Association of America (MAA) MathFest. Indianapolis, Indiana. 

York, C., Hodge-Zickerman, A., Bondurant, L., & Stade, E. (2024). TACTivities explored: Understanding instructor and student perspectives in math education. Mathematics Association of America (MAA) MathFest. Indianapolis, Indiana. 

Civics of Technology Annual Conference

Bondurant, L., York, C., Hodge-Zickerman, A., & Stade, E. (2024). Promoting equitable teaching practices through TACTivities: A case in teaching statistics. Civics of Technology Annual Conference. 

The 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education

Bondurant, L., & McConchie, L. (2024). Drawing a positive math identity: Portrait of a math person. The 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Sydney, Australia.     

Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (RUME) in Omaha, Nebraska

Troup, J., Bondurant, L., Moss, D., Bertolone-Smith, C., & Soto, H. (2024). Embodied noticings in mathematics: Pre-service teachers’ observations and noticings. Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (SIGMAA on RUME) Annual Conference. Lincoln, NE.


Bondurant, L., Fernandez, A., Simić-Muller, K., & Weiland, T. (2024). Engaging Preservice Elementary Teachers in Statistical Investigations of Systemic Racism in School Discipline Data. Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (SIGMAA on RUME) Annual Conference. Lincoln, NE. 


Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) in Orlando, FL

Opening Session Invited Panelists: Jenny Bay Williams, Liza Bondurant, Yvonne Lai, Richard Velasco

Symposium: Promoting growth through critical transformative pedagogies of practice

Collaborators: Gregory Benoit, Jamaal Young, Heather Howell, Jane Wilburne, Dana Franz, Erik Jakobson, Erin Barno, Eowyn O'Dwyer 

Mathematics Educator Appreciation Day Conference (MEAD)

Fernandez, A., Simic-Muller, K., Bondurant, L., & Weiland, T. (2024). Making moves with real data in CODAP. Mathematics Educator Appreciation Day Conference (MEAD). University of Arizona.  


Bondurant, L., Roscioli, K. (2023). [Invited Webinar]. Promoting equitable practices with brainingcamp. Brainingcamp Webinar.    

AMTE Virtual Institute 2023

Bondurant, L., Kulow, T., Cannon, S., Gallagher, M., Byun, S. (2023). [Invited Workshop Session]. Empowering prospective teachers to address inequity with EQUIP. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Virtual Institute. 

"Promoting Equity in Approximations of Practice for Preservice Mathematics Teachers"

Join the discussion on "Promoting Equity in Approximations of Practice for Preservice Mathematics Teachers" by submitting a chapter to a IGI book I am editing with Carrie Lee, Bima Sapkota, and Heather Howell.

Call for chapter proposals:…;

Project website:

American Association for Employment in Education (AAEE) in Chicago, IL

Presentation: Get the Facts Out (GFO)

Led by: 

Wendy Adams, PI, Colorado School of Mines

Allie Bolter, GFO Program Coordinator, Colorado School of Mines

GFO Change Agents & Champions 

North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA) in Reno Nevada

Working Group: Approximations of practice and equity: Surveying the spaces

Collaborators: Bima Sapkota, Carrie Lee, Heather Howell

Brief Report: Rehumanizing mathematics through embodiment-focused noticing

Collaborators: Diana Moss, Claudia Bertolone-Smith, Hortensia Soto, Lisa Poling, Jonathan Troup

SLMath Workshops @ UC Berkeley

Focus: Algorithms, Fairness, Equity Workshops 1050 & 1051

Contributions: Lightning Talk, Poster

Work I Shared: 

Mathematics Association of America (MAA) MathFest in Tampa, Florida

4:20 PM EST

Presentation Title: Rehumanizing mathematics through embodied-focused noticing

Collaborators: Jonathan Troup, Hortensia Soto, Diana Moss, Claudia Bertolone-Smith, Lisa Poling


Podcast Episodes 

  • Whipple, K., Ortiz, E., Lee-Hassan, A., & Bondurant, L. (2024, April 10). Engaging in advocacy, previewing advocacy around disability, and shoulder tapping. Amidon, J., & Wolfe, J. (Hosts). Teaching Math Teaching.   
  • Bondurant, L., & Reinholz, D. (2023, September 12). “Rahul is a math nerd” and “Mia can be a drama queen”: How mixed-reality simulations can perpetuate racist and sexist stereotypes. Thanheiser, E. (Host). Mathematics Teacher Educator.  
  • Bondurant, L., & Reinholz, D. (2023, August 30). Fixing bias in teacher training simulations. Lesser, M. (Host). No Such Thing. 
  • Casey, S., & Bondurant, L. (2023, May 15). Engaging teachers in the combination of statistical investigation and social justice: Fairness in school funding. Thanheiser, E. (Host). Mathematics Teacher Educator.  
