

Dr. Prem Parajuli, Professor
Dr. Prem Parajuli, Professor
Dept. of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Mississippi State University
130 Creelman St., Mail Box: 9632
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Phone: (662) 325-7350


Dr. Parajuli received PhD degree in Biological and Agricultural Engineering from Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA. He is now Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Mississippi State University. Dr. Parajuli serves to promote science-based professional knowledge and services to improve research, education, and outreach programs in the U.S. and the world. Dr. Parajuli was invited and served as the Keynote Speaker in the Global Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (GCEAS); Asian Conference on Civil, Material and Environmental Sciences (ACCMES); Tokyo, Japan. He also chaired the technical sessions in the Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering & Natural Sciences (APICENS), Taipei, Taiwan; and 5th Graduate Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development (GCESD), Kathmandu University, Nepal.

Leadership Roles: Dr. Parajuli actively engaged and provided leadership roles in the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). Dr. Parajuli served as liaison of the ASABE/NRES to the International Erosion Control Association (IECA). He served as an Associate Editor to the Journals of the ASABE. He was honored as an Outstanding Associate Editor by the ASABE in 2021. He has been a very active member in several ASABE professional committees (e.g., ecological engineering, hydrology, ASABE standards and nomenclature, erosion, stream, reservoirs and wetland); which helps the ASABE to continuously grow in the areas of Natural Resources and Environmental Systems management. Dr. Parajuli also served as Associate Editor to the Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education (JCWRE), published by the Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR). Dr. Parajuli served as Chair (2016-2017) for the USDA multi-state Project titled “S-1063: Quantification of Best Management Practices Effectiveness for Water Quality Protection at the Watershed Scale".

Dr. Parajuli supervised/advised/mentored (54): 1 visiting Professor, 2 tenure-track Assistant Professor, 1 Post-Doctoral Research Associate, 21 PhD students, 8 MS students, and 21 undergraduate (BS) and other students. Dr. Parajuli's team currently studying on use of GIS and computer-based watershed modeling tools to improve the quality of land, water and environment, which are essential to improve the human health and ecological systems including assessing the impacts of surface and ground water interactions due to conservation practices, climate variability impact on water and environment, nutrient transport process in agro-ecosystems.

Prior to continue graduate degree in the U.S., Dr. Parajuli worked with UNDP/PDDP program in Nepal, where he managed more than $0.80 million annual budget and supervised over 50 professional employees. He involved in program planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of integrated projects related to water, sustainable agriculture & natural resource management, education, women's empowerment, enterprise development, and public private partnership programs.

More academic achievements of Dr. Parajuli are available at: Google Scholar and Research gate

Thank you!