Dr. Parajuli served in the several committees including Geospatial Certificate Program; University Committee on Courses and Curricula (UCCC); Bagley College of Engineering P and T Committee/Chair; Review panel on Special Research Initiative (SRI) grant proposals (CALS/MAFES); Lead Panelist (Agriculture and Natural Resources Science for Climate Variability and Change Challenge Area) USDA-AFRI Mock Panel Seminar, organized by ORED/MAFES at Mississippi State University; Excellence in Teaching Evaluation Committee at College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; Graduate Program Coordinator; ABE scholarship committee/Chair; Dept. head, and Faculty search committees/Chair. In addition, he represented ABE Dept. head in several college level meetings in both Bagley College of Engineering and College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. He also served as a Modeling Team Member for the “Conjunctive Water Management Work Group”, the Delta Sustainable Water Resources Task Force formed by the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ).
International Projects:
Dr. Parajuli was the Principal Investigator to host USDA/FAS funded "Cochran Fellowship Program" Fellows from Senegal, Mali, and Tajikistan under "Climate Smart Agriculture" training programs at Mississippi State University. Thank you for all co-investigators and collaborators, who participated in these great programs.